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Analysis of the common problems in the application of water pump mechanical seal


  Pump mechanical sealing belongs to the key vulnerable parts, the failure of pump mechanical seal leakage is one of the most likely to appear in the pump failure, several common problems in the use of pump mechanical sealing to do a simple analysis.

  1. Is the greater the compression amount of the water pump mechanical sealing spring, the better the sealing effect?
In fact, the spring compression is too large, which can lead to sharp friction auxiliary wear, instantaneous burning, excessive compression makes the spring lose the ability to adjust the end surface of the moving ring, resulting in seal failure.
  1. Is the tighter the moving ring ring, the better?
The moving ring is ring is and harmful. First, aggravate the wear between the sealing ring and the shaft sleeve, premature leakage; second, the force increases the resistance of the axial adjustment and movement of the moving ring, which cannot be adjusted when the working condition changes frequently; third, the spring is excessively tired and easily damaged; fourth, the moving ring is deformed, which affects the sealing effect.
  1. The tighter the static ring sealing ring, the better?
The static ring sealing ring is basically in a static state, and the relatively tight sealing effect will be better, but too tight is also harmful. First, it causes the excessive deformation of the static ring seal, affecting the sealing effect; second, the static ring material is mostly graphite, generally brittle, excessive force can easily cause fragmentation; third, it is difficult to install and remove, easy to damage the static ring.
  1. Is the impeller nut closer the better?

In the mechanical seal leakage, the leakage between the shaft sleeve and the shaft is relatively common. It is generally believed that the leakage between the shaft is the impeller lock mother is not locked, in fact, there are many factors leading to the leakage between the shaft, such as the failure of the shaft pad, offset, impurities between the shaft, the coordination between the shaft and the sleeve has a large shape error, the contact surface damage, the gap between the components on the shaft, the shaft thread is too long will lead to the leakage between the shaft. Excessive lock lock will only lead to the premature failure of the shaft pad, on the contrary, moderate lock lock, so that the shaft pad always maintain a certain compression elasticity, in the operation of the lock will automatically timely lock, so that the shaft is always in a good sealing state.

Previous:The basic structure of mechanical seals and their function and requirements

Next:Three reasons of failure of sealing function


Junming (Hebei) Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Address:No.1 Huaihe Road, Qinhuangdao Economic and Technological Development Zone

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