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Cold knowledge of seals: Characteristics and application of PTFE materials


  With the continuous improvement of the development level of industrial science and technology, the demand for polymer materials with various specific energy is becoming more and more extensive. Because of PTFEsuperior chemical resistance, corrosion resistance, low friction resistance, high and low temperature resistance and good dielectric performance, excellent lubrication performance, it has been widely applied in many industrial fields, showing a great development prospect.

  The superior chemical stability of PTFE is one of the best known plastics. Almost any concentration of strong acid, strong alkali and strong oxidant, such as hydrofluoric acid, smoke sulfuric acid, nitric acid, caustic soda solution, even at high temperature, has no effect on it. Only swelling or dissolution in some fluorinated oils such as perfluorinated kerosene at a temperature greater than 327 degrees Celsius.

  The friction coefficient of PTFE is the smallest in solid materials, generally not affected by the presence of lubricant, plays an important role in oil-free lubrication transmission equipment; it can be used in-200~250 degrees Celsius and mechanical properties do not change significantly, outstanding non-viscosity, air permeability, moisture absorption, self-extinguishing and excellent climate resistance, are the unique properties of the material itself;

  Since PTFE has no effect on physiological process, and can be disinfected by high temperature disinfection and other chemical methods, it can be used as artificial blood vessel, artificial cardiopulmonary device and expensive drug packaging membrane in medical industry; In food industry and civil life, PTFE can make waterproof material, anti-stick coating, such as non-stick pan, apply PTFE to cook without oil.PTFE glass cloth for plastic film welding as a non-adhesive spacer, etc;

Application characteristics of PTFE as a sealing material:

  In the mechanical industry, PTFE is used to make equipment gaskets and sealing materials such as various asbestos-impregnated PTFE packing letters, buffer rings, sealing rings, seats, flaps, etc. In addition, it can also be used to manufacture a variety of self-lubricating wear-resistant bearings, piston ring, guide ring, etc., especially the oil-free lubrication effect is particularly significant. Such as PTFE guide ring with graphite as filler is used on oil-free compressor; PTFE piston ring with quartz sand filler is used on oxygen compressor; oil-free lubricating piston ring filled with graphite and molybdenum disulfide is used in helium liquefaction unit with low temperature up to-269 degrees Celsius; PTFE piston ring filled with molybdenum disulfide, silica and copper powder works well at the working temperature of 150 degrees Celsius on air compressor; PTFE slide on bridge pier can expand bridge deck freely due to thermal expansion and cold contraction;

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Junming (Hebei) Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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