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What are the cooling methods of mechanical seals?


  Cooling is an important part of the temperature regulation facility,An auxiliary kind of facility often adopted,Export the friction heat of the mechanical seal in time and reducing the influence of the high-temperature media has a great effect.

  Cooling can be divided into two ways: direct and indirect cooling methods,direct cooling is the cooling liquid directly and the sealing end surface contact to achieve the purpose of cooling,One such method is to cool the fluid into the sealed cavity,cooling the sealing end surface,Obviously this is the various washing mentioned before;Another way is to cool the liquid (usually water) at the atmospheric end of the lid,the inner ring of the main cooling static ring,This method is generally called "sharp cold" (or back cold).Cooling water cannot be recycled,cool and let go.This cooling has the function of both uting and flushing the leaking medium.

  Indirect cooling means that the cooling liquid does not contact with the sealing end surface,The cooling purpose is achieved by cooling the water sleeves or other methods (such as cooling the static ring),the American Petroleum Institute has standards for refinery centrifugal pumps (API610),As a guideline, jacket or coil cooling for the following conditions and conditions:

  1)Pump temperature exceeds 149℃ (300 F), unless a metal bellows mechanical seal is used;

  2)The pumping temperature exceeds 315℃ (600 F);

  3)Boiler feed water pump;

  4)Seal without flushing;

  5)Low flash liquid;

  6)High-melting point product (heating).

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